sustainability - CSR

Vision & Mission

Corporate sustainability will only be assured if the companies pay attention to the social, economic and environmental. It is a fact how the resistance communities at various places and times come to the surface of the companies that is considered not paying attention     to social aspects, and the environment.

The vision of PT. Sandabi Indah Lestari CSR program is to contribute to the economic development of the local community or society at large, along with improvement in the lives of employees and their entire family.

The above vision can be achieved through the company's mission, which is to improve the quality of sustainable socioeconomic to build a caring attitude towards the environment and stakeholders and create a sustainable environment.Through the vision and mission of the company, the implementation of the CSR program has the following objectives:

1. Build healthy communication and intense coordination  between companies and local communities.
2. Improve Improving economic prosperity and the surrounding community.
3. Improve and enhance the facilities and infrastructure that has been built by the government.
4. Establish and improve the quality of human resources (HR) community.
5. Establish and enhance good relations and realize the kinship between the company and the surrounding community.

PT Sandabi Indah Lestari sincerely hopes that with the implementation of CSR programs is able to bridge a sustainable relationship with the communities that reduce and minimize disputes or conflicts.